Software setup

These instructions assume you have already assembled the hardware, wired the DAQ, aligned the laser, etc.


Zapit has been tested on MATLAB R2022a and R2022b and it should work on more recent versions also. It may work on earlier versions but this has not been tested. The latest version of MATLAB is recommended. You will need a PC with at least 16 GB of RAM.

MATLAB Toolboxes

You will need the following MATLAB ToolBoxes.

DAQ Drivers

  • Install NI DAQmx and ensure you have checked to install with .NET support enabled. Ideally install one of our tested versions: 19.0 to 21.8.

Camera Drivers

Zapit currently supports only Basler cameras (although in principle this can be extended to other cameras). You will need to:

You will need to restart MATLAB after the camera driver has been installed. If you later encounter problems connecting to the camera in MATLAB, see Basler's instructions for the GenICam interface.

Installing Zapit

Gather and install the above requirements then install Zapit in one of the following ways:

  • Via MATLAB: Go to the Apps ribbon in MATLAB and click on Get More Apps. Search for Zapit and add it to MATLAB. This is recommended.

  • Via your browser: Navigate to the Zapit File Exchange page. Download. Unpack in a reasonable place. Add the zapit directory (i.e. that which contains start_zapit.m) to your path. You need add only this directory, not it and all sub-directories.

  • Via Git: Clone the repo in your favourite Git client. Add the zapit directory (i.e. that which contains start_zapit.m) to your path. You need add only this directory, not it and all sub-directories.

You will need to configure Zapit before it can be started.

Last updated